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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The month of December went by so quickly and here we are in late-January of 2012.  I think I ran 3 times in December.  My group does a holiday lights run and a solstice trail run and I did both of those.  I also did a charity 5k run for the Salvation Army.  All in all I probably ran 9 miles after the CIM.  I have not ran in 5 weeks. 

I guess I need to figure out what I am going to do now.  My journey is complete. I did what I set out to do and completed my goal.  The question is at what cost?  My body feels broken down.  My ITB while not as tight as after the marathon, nevertheless, is still tight.  I get pain sometimes just walking around at work.  I am having some right hip trouble that just started up mid-December.  The hip starts to ache when walking the dog and the next thing I know I have shooting pain down the front of my leg which then causes me to limp severely.  My tibial tendon problems seems to have moved around the corner and is now an Achilles problem.  Geez I feel like one of the parents on Seinfeld complaining about all of their ailments.

I was hoping to do some trail races this spring, but those are out now.  I do have a running clinic I am going to go to on Saturday, January 28th.  It is really a Chi Running class although that is not what he calls it. It is called Running Injury Free.  I hope that 3 hours is enough to get me on the right track.  I am looking forward to it.  In the meantime I am following my groups training plan for their next Half Marathon, the Shamrock'n in mid March.  Today they had to run 6 miles so I did 60 minutes on the elliptical.  Fortunately, I like to listen to podcasts which really helps make it less boring.  Right now one of my favorites is NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.  Hilarious stuff.